SDG 16 in the Spotlight at High-Level Political Forum

19 July 2024, New York - Peace, justice and strong institutions are fundamental to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At this year’s High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), SDG 16 took center stage in discussions and reviews. The UN Office for Partnerships played an active role in advocating for SDG 16 throughout the forum, highlighting its critical role in creating an environment where all other SDGs can be achieved.

Annemarie Hou, Executive Director of the UN Office for Partnerships, participated in a side-event panel discussion titled “Unlearning intolerance: Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and SDG 16” organized by  the University for Peace, the Asia-Pacific Centre for Education for International Understanding, and the Ban Ki-moon Foundation, and co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Costa Rica and the Republic of Korea to the United Nations. 

The conversation focused on the role of global civics education to nurture shared values, respect for diversity and foster inclusive, peaceful and just societies worldwide. Panelists underscored the necessity of strengthening GCED in relation to SDG 16, focusing on global governance. Throughout the discussions, participants highlighted the importance of ensuring inclusive and representative governance, amplifying voices, securing adequate resources, fostering intergenerational dialogue. Also raised as a key issue was accurate data, an essential element for informed decision-making, as well as the role of civil society in accountability and shaping inclusive policies.

Ms. Hou said: “Achieving SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions requires building trust and creating a safe space for dialogue between opposing views. If we can open the space to talk about these issues, that is how we can get to these interesting conversations that get us to the solutions that get us to the SDGs,” she said. Drawing attention to the "We the Women" global survey that the UN Office for Partnerships recently conducted, Ms. Hou said that more than 25,000 women from 185 countries shared their thoughts, ideas, and aspirations, and put SDG 16 as one of their top three Global Goals. This was proof that large numbers of women are keenly aware of the serious challenges facing their lives. She underlined the importance of not only listening to the women of the world, but also acting on what they are telling us.

Also taking place on the sidelines of the HLPF was the launch of the UN Global Progress Report on Sustainable Development Goal 16. 
In her message launching the report, UN Deputy-Secretary General Amina Mohammed stressed the urgency of action, stating, “SDG 16 is a crucial enabler of all SDGs. This new report shows that we need to urgently scale-up action on the SDGs to build peaceful, just, and inclusive societies, leaving no one behind.” 

The report, a collaborative effort by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) together with six other entities, and was supported by the UN Office for Partnerships.

The discussions and initiatives highlighted at the HLPF underscore the integral role of SDG 16 in achieving the broader 2030 Agenda. As stakeholders continue to collaborate and advocate for peace, justice, and strong institutions, the commitment to these principles will pave the way for sustainable and inclusive development worldwide.

Watch the GCED session []
Read the SDG 16 Progress Report [] and watch the UN Deputy-Secretary General’s message []