News and Resources

Report: Governing AI for Humanity

19 September 2024

The launch of the United Nations Secretary-General¡¯s High-level Advisory Body on AI¡¯s final report outlines 7 key recommendations to shape the future of AI Governance. Members of the Body, comprised of diverse leaders across the world with cutting-edge expertise across public policy, science, technology, anthropology, human rights, urges stakeholders to fully support the recommendations. Read the final report now.

Global Digital Compact Stakeholder Sessions

22 August 2024

The Co-Facilitators leading the intergovernmental process on the Global Digital Compact held a virtual meeting on 22 August from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ET. Learn about the progress to date.

Report: Mind the AI Divide

7 August 2024

In August 2024, the Office of the UN Secretary-General¡¯s Envoy on Technology and the published a report on artificial intelligence and the world of work. ¡°Mind the AI Divide: Shaping a Global Perspective on the Future of Work¡± explores AI¡¯s role in reshaping labour markets, the AI value chain, and the demand for skills. Read the full report here.

Event: OSPOs for Good Conference

10 July 2024

The OSPOs for Good Conference, held from 9¨C10 July, brought participants from around the world to delve into a range of topics, truly underscoring how open source can enable global cooperation. From artificial intelligence to government to youth to networked cities, the diverse set of panels was packed with enriching content, facilitating insightful discussions. Learn more about the conference.

In-Person Meeting of the High-level Advisory Body on AI in Singapore

29 May 2024

The UN Secretary-General¡¯s High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence convened in Singapore from 28¨C29 May to develop their recommendations on international AI governance. Over the course of the two-day meeting, the Advisory Body collaborated on fostering global cooperation on AI governance for the benefit of all of humanity. These meetings provided a highly productive platform for impactful dialogue and exchange. Learn more about the AI Advisory Body.

Report: Leveraging DPI for Safe and Inclusive Societies

29 April 2024

Stewarded by the Office of the UN Secretary-General¡¯s Envoy on Technology and , the Leveraging DPI for Safe and Inclusive Societies interim report is a culmination of rigorous discussions and reviews conducted by the . It aims to shape the future of global digital infrastructure, ensuring it is safe, inclusive, and beneficial for all. .

In-Person Meeting of the High-level Advisory Body on AI in Geneva

14 March 2024

From 12¨C14 March, the United Nations Secretary-General¡¯s High-level Advisory Body convened in Geneva, Switzerland to develop their recommendations in global AI governance. The Advisory Body met with the International Labour Organization, World Intellectual Property Organization, International Telecommunication Union, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva Library, World Meteorological Organization, and Geneva Graduate Institute, among others. Learn more about the AI Advisory Body.

Press Release: UN announces multi-stakeholder working groups for Digital Public Infrastructure Safeguards

4 March 2024

ÎÛÎÛÂþ®‹ issued a press release announcing the formation of six multi-stakeholder working groups for Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) Safeguards. Stewarded by Office of the UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology and UNDP, these six groups of diverse and interdisciplinary experts stand out for their collaborative efforts to develop a comprehensive DPI safeguards framework.

Governing AI for Humanity

Mind the AI Divide

Leveraging DPI for Safe and Inclusive Societies Cover

Global Digital Compact Policy Brief