Inclusion in the LDC category

[tabby title=”Eligibility”]

Identification of Eligible Countries

  • The CDP reviews the list of LDCs and makes recommendations for inclusion in and graduation from the category every three years
  • These recommendations are not exclusively based on the criteria scores, complementary country-specific information and the views of the government are also taken into account
  • The inclusion thresholds, as determined by the CDP, must be met for each of the three criteria (GNI per capita, HAI and EVI) in one triennial review

Inclusion Thresholds: 2024 Triennial Review

Gross National Income
(GNI) per capita

Human Assets Index

Economic Vulnerability Index

$1,088 or below 60 or below 36 or above

[tabby title=”Process”]

Time frame of the eligibility procedure

January expert group review CDP
Preliminary finding: country satisfies inclusion criteria
Notifies the country of preliminary finding
Between the expert group review and the triennial review DESA
Prepares a country assessment note and provides a draft to the country
Presents a written statement (optional), indicating approval of or objection to the inclusion
March triennial review CDP
Finds the country eligible
Formally notifies the country of eligibility conclusion
Submits to ECOSOC the recommendation to include the country, unless the country formally expresses objection
After the March triennial review ECOSOC
Endorses the CDP recommendation
Formally notifies the Secretary-General of its acceptance
General Assembly
Decides to take note of the CDP recommendation
Country immediately becomes an LDC and is formally added to the list

Country assessment note

  • Corroborates the basis of eligibility findings with statistical evidence
  • Incorporates other relevant information such as recent economic and social conditions

[tabby title=”Timeline: Country Inclusions”]

Timeline of country’s inclusion to the LDC category

2027 Solomon Islands
2026 Bangladesh, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nepal
2024 São Tomé and Príncipe
2023 Bhutan
2020 Vanuatu
2017 Equatorial Guinea
2014 Samoa
2012 South Sudan
2011 Maldives
2007 Cabo Verde
2003 Timor-Leste
2000 Senegal
1994 Botswana
Angola, Eritrea
1991 Cambodia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Solomon Islands, Zambia
1990 Liberia
1988 Mozambique
1987 Myanmar
1986 Kiribati, Mauritania, Tuvalu
1985 Vanuatu
1982 Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Togo
1981 Guinea-Bissau
1977 Cabo Verde, Comoros
1975 Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Gambia
1971 Afghanistan, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Samoa, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Yemen


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